
Oberheim OB-1

Oberheim OB-1

Currently sold out. Please use the "add to wishlist" button below so we can notify you when we have another available.

Oberheim OB-1 for sale. The one shown here sold, but we have another we just prepared for sale thats currently on hold for a customer but which may become available again. so far, we invested 38 hours in its restoration so its better than any other you may find. much of that work was to hopefully improve longterm reliability. the work done includes the following, though this list doesnt include everything:

recapped power supply. 
replaced power supply trimpots. 
replaced diode.
replaced molex terminals (28)
adjusted PS voltage. 
cleaned all pots and switches.
replaced terminals (reversed) (x17)
installed new tauntek programmer pcb.
replaced IC cap for pad pcb.
replaced trims, caps for bender board.
replaced numerous IC sockets.
replaced trims and caps on voice board. (10k trim x2 100k trim x2 cant cap x 11, resistor 100l .1% x10)
resoldered connector pins for molex. 
replaced 4051 x3 on voice board.
cleaned and installed wooden sides.
replaced 41 terminals for molex connectors.
removed and cleaned bus bar.
cleaned bus bar and j wires.
removed and replaced 3 broken j wires.
refabricated and replaced all metal patch select buttons.
cut and installed new screws. 
replaced bender pot and adjusted center position.
calibrated DAC and +VR
removed, cleaned and replaced all keys. 
replaced and lubed all keyboard bushings
adjusted key heights.
performed burn-in test. 
tested systematically 3x and will be tested at least once more before shipping

This is no ordinary analog monosynth - the Obie One has that Moog analog sound but features programmable memory locations where you can store your own sounds!  How does it sound?  FAT!  There are 2 oscillators but each has a suboctave which really fattens things up.  It's just as good for sound effects as it is for musical / tonal sounds.  The features are listed below:  

3 octaves
8 programmable memory locations
waveform (sweepable)
fine tune
waveform select
modulation knob w switch for freq or wave mod
outputs = volume for fundamental AND SUBOCTAVE
waveform (sweepable)
fine tune
waveform select
modulation knob w switch for freq or wave mod
outputs = volume for fundamental AND SUBOCTAVE
LFO/envelope modulation select
fine tune
2 pole or 4 pole!
LFO / ENV modulation with knob
keyboard tracking switch
Noise on off
VCF Envelope (ADSR)
VCA Envelope (ADSR)
LFO - sine, square, s/h (random)
keyboard portamento
env reset
bender - vco 2 only, or both.  narrow broad or mod
audio out low and hi
cv in out
gate in out
vcf cv in
audio in
loudness cv in