The Synth Sanctuary private recording studio is based in New York City and contains the following vintage synths, drum machines, effects processors, vocoders, sequencers and other rare electronic musical instruments:
Access Virus B
Alesis Andromeda
Ampersand Quad LFO
AnalogFX Syrinx
Analogue Solutions Semblance x 2*
Apple Mac Pro w/ Logic and Ableton Live
Aries Modular (3 cabinets / 33 modules)
ARP 2500
ARP 2600 black and orange
ARP 2600 gray and white
ARP Odyssey (vintage)*
ARP Sequencer x 4
Arturia Microfreak
Blacet Modular*
Bode Dual Electronic Switch
Bode Frequency Shifter
Boss VT-1 Voice Transformer
Buchla 100
Buchla 200 Electric Music Box*
Buchla 200e
Buchla Music Easel (vintage)*
Casio CZ-1
Casio SK-5
Casio VZ-10m
Crumar Bit 01*
Crumar Bit One*
Crumar Spirit
Dennis Electronics 201 Control Voltage Processor
Digisound Modular (3 cabinets / 33 modules)
Digital Delay Sampler Prototype
Doepfer A-100 System (large system)
Electrix Filter Factory
Electrix Warp Factory
Electrocomp EML-101
Electrocomp EML-200*
Electrocomp EML-400 x 2
Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 MkII*
Elektronika EM-26 Vocoder*
Elka Synthex
EMS 8 Octave Filter Bank
EMS Phaser
EMS Pitch to Voltage
EMS Random Voltage Generator
EMS Synthi AKS
EMS Vocoder 2000
EMS Vocoder 3000 prototype
Emu Modular
Ensoniq ESQm
Ensoniq Fizmo Rack
Ensoniq SQ80*
Estradin 230*
Eurorack Modular (various modules)*
Eventide Model H910
Eventide Model H969
Fairlight IIx*
Flame MIDI Talking Synth*
Formanta Polivoks*
FutureRetro 777
Gentle Electric Model 101 Pitch & Envelope Follower
Gleeman Pentaphonic Clear
Hartmann Neuron
Hologram Microcosm
Kawai K1M
Kawai K3m*
Kawai K5m
Kawai K5000r
Kawai XD5
Kenton Electronics Pro-2000 x 2
Korg 01R/W*
Korg 800DV (Univox Maxikorg)*
Korg ARP 2600m
Korg M1r Vince Clarke*
Korg Minilogue XD
Korg Mono/Poly*
Korg Monologue
Korg MS-02 Interface
Korg MS-03 Signal Processor
Korg MS-20 x 2 (vintage)
Korg MS-50
Korg OPSix
Korg Polysix with Kiwisix MIDI
Korg Poly-800 MkII with Hawk-800 upgrade*
Korg Prophecy*
Korg PS-3300 with Kenton MIDI
Korg SE-500 Stage Echo
Korg SQ-1 x6
Korg SQ10
Korg SQ-64 x2
Korg VC10 Vocoder
Korg Volca Beats, Bass, Drum, Keys, Kick, FM, Mix, Modular, Nubass, Sample
Korg Wavestate
Korg Wavestation A/D
Korg Wavestation SR
Korg Z1
Kurzweil K2000RS
Lexicon JamMan
Lexicon Vortex
Linn Linndrum Vince Clarke
Linn LM-1 Drum Computer
Loft Flanger Series 440 Delay Line/Flanger
Metasonix D-1000*
Moog 12 Stage Phaser
Moog 16 Channel Vocoder
Moog Memorymoog Plus
Moog Minimoog (Studio Electronics MIDImini Rack)
Moog Modular (very early system)*
Moog Mother 32
Moog Multimoog*
Moog Opus 3*
Moog Polymoog Synthesizer*
Moog Rogue*
Moog Subharmonicon
Moog System 55 Modular from 1974
Musonics Minimoog*
Musonics Sonic V*
Mu-Tron Bi-Phase (custom rack)
Mu-Tron Phaser (custom rack)
MXR 01A Reverb
New England Digital Synclavier II
Novation Remote
Oberheim Echoplex
Oberheim Eight Voice w/MIDI (actually 7 voice at the moment)
Oberheim OB-1*
Oberheim OB-8 (Studio Electronics Obie Eight)
Oberheim OB-MX (8 voice)*
Oberheim OB-X with Encore MIDI*
Oberheim Xpander
Oberheim Xpander Vince Clarke*
Octave Cat*
Octave Catstick*
Orban/Parasound Dual Reverberation 111B
Orgon Systems Modular
Oxford Oscar*
Pearl Syncussion
Polyfusion Modular*
PPG Wave 2.3
Quadeight RV-10 Variable Decay Reverberation System
Rhodes Chroma with CC+ and Power Supply Upgrades*
Rhodes Chroma Polaris*
Roland CR-8000
Roland D-550 with PG-1000 Vince Clarke
Roland JD-800
Roland JD-990
Roland JP-8080
Roland Juno-60 with MIDI Vince Clarke
Roland Jupiter-4 with MIDI*
Roland Jupiter-6
Roland Jupiter-8 Vince Clarke*
Roland Jupiter-8 with MIDI
Roland MC-202
Roland MKS-7
Roland MKS-30 with PG-200
Roland MKS-50 with PG-300
Roland MKS-70 with PG-800
Roland MKS-80 with MPG-80
Roland MPU-101 x 2
Roland RE-201
Roland SH-2 w/osc sync mod
Roland SH-5
Roland SH-101
Roland SRE-555
Roland SVC-350
Roland System-100m x 4
Roland System 700 Lab x 2
Roland TB-303
Roland TR-606
Roland TR-707
Roland TR-808 w/MIDI
Roland TR-909
Roland VP-330*
Roland VP-70*
RSF Kobol Expander
Seiko DS-202 and DS-310 with MIDI*
Sequential Circuits Pro-One Patrick Cowley
Sequential Circuits Prophet VS rack
Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 (Studio Electronics P Five Rack)
Sequential Circuits Prophet-10
Sequential Circuits Prophet-600 w/ GliGli upgrade*
Sequential Circuits Prophet-T8
Serge Modular (20 panels)
Sherman Filterbank 2*
Simmons Clap Trap
Simmons SDS6 Sequencer*
Simmons SDS7
Simmons SDSV
SMS Sequencer 430R
SMS Voice 400
Steiner-Parker Synthacon
Strymon Blue Sky
Studio Electronics SE-1
SWTPC Ambience Synthesizer 2AS-A
Synton 3000 Modular
Synton College
Synton 903 VC Bandfilter/Phaser
Synton 202 Syntovox Vocoder
Synton Syntovox 221 20 Channel Vocoder
Triadex-Minsky Muse
Univox Maxikorg*
Vermona DRM1
Voyetra Eight
Waldorf Microwave 1
Waldorf Microwave XT
Waldorf Wave*
Wavemaker 4
Wavemaker 6
Wavemaker 255R Dual Phase Shifter
Wavemaker KB718 Sequencer
Wavemakers Digital Sequencer
Wavemakers KB Modular
Yamaha CS15*
Yamaha CS30*
Yamaha CS80
Yamaha FS1R
Yamaha RM50
Yamaha RY30
Yamaha TG33
Yamaha TG77
Yamaha TX816
Various Stompboxes
etc, etc, etc.
This list is subject to change. Items with a * are located off premises.
Please be sure to read the studio's main page. This is not a commercial studio that's open to the public. It's for collaboration / occasional assistance only.
Please email us directly at contact (at)