
Made On Earth Analog Chorus 60 x2 Rack

Made On Earth Analog Chorus 60 x2 Rack

Please contact us to discuss pricing.

Made On Earth Analog Chorus 60 Dual Stereo Rack For Sale

We bought 2 of these from a customer, reportedly the only 2 of these in existence. The typical MOE Analog Chorus 60 is a clone of the original Roland Juno-60, with greater flexibility. Those were built into a pedal. Our customer wanted two racks of two Chorus 60s with XLR jacks, so he convinced the designer to make these for him, and the rest is history. These things sound so amazing that we were considering keeping both of them, but 4 of these stereo chorus circuits is probably a bit much, so we're selling one of them and hope we don't regret it later. You will need to pry the other from our cold, dead hands.