The Cat by Octave Electronics Model 1853 for sale. Fully overhauled and working perfectly.
This synthesizer sounds great. Its also a nice affordable alternative to something like a Minimoog, which was its main competition back in the day. Some say it's a bit of an ARP ripoff as they supposedly stole part of their design from ARP but this thing is way more beefy sounding than any Odyssey as you can mix all the different waveforms (and suboctaves) of each oscillator. Also, you can directly modulate each oscillator with the output of the other. (You can frequency modulate the filter too). This is a great tool for the serious player or synthesist and sounds a lot fatter than most other synths.
2 transient generators = envelopes (gated, off and auto settings)
sample and hold (s&h) - noise or vco 1 source
pitch bend
octave shift
LFO frequency
key control
poly - for 2 note capability
mono - both oscillators stacked on the same key
VCO 1 (voltage controlled oscillator)
fine tune
coarse tune
modulation 1 - sine LFO, square LFO, s&h
modulation 2 - ADSR, AR, VCO2
pulse width modulation - sine LFO, DC
sub octave waveform volume
sawtooth waveform volume
triangle waveform volume
square waveform volume
fine tune
modulation 1 - sine LFO, square LFO, s&h
modulation 2 - ADSR, AR, VCO1
oscillator sync on / off
sub octave waveform volume
sawtooth waveform volume
square waveform volume
VCO 1 audio on / off
VCF (lowpass resonant voltage controlled filter)
cutoff frequency
resonance (q)
modulation 1 - sine LFO, square LFO, S&H
modulation 2 - ADSR, AR, VCO 1
Keyboard control knob (off - 1 volt)
VCA control - ADSR, AR, bypass (for drones!)
Noise generator level
Power on / off switch with light
hi and lo audio outs
external audio in
glide switch in
vcf cv in
vco 1 cv in
series patch to slave
from master (this and the above are CV gate jacks)
Photos are not yet available, so the images here show a previously sold unit.
Note: We may decide to hang onto this one, but email if interested and we'll see.
Estimated preparation time: 1-3 weeks