Midimonica For Sale. This is the first time I have ever seen one of these. This one is for collectors of bizarre instruments or alternate MIDI controllers - with one of these, you can actually play your MIDI synthesizers, modules or computers without touching a keyboard. Basically, you hum or, better yet, whistle softly into the microphone and the Midi Monica translates it into monophonic (single note) MIDI data, available at the MIDI output jack. Included is the manual, which warns the user that it takes a little practice to get it right. This being said, my results when testing this item were a little sloppy, but probably would have been a lot better with practice and certainly if I had actually read the (short) manual first!
Basic features:
pitch to midi converter dynamic or fixed velocity five octave range built in mic diatonic or chromatic scales 2 speeds, 4 midi channels long and short note release down transpose mahogany panel