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360 Systems Digital Keyboard For Sale.
This is a rare early digital EPROM- based sample playback keyboard that’s kind of like a digital version of the mellotron. It's been estimated that fewer than 200 were made between 1982 and 1984.
This unit arrived here in pretty good working order but we like to refurbish all but the cheap stuff, so we asked our tech to give this one a good cleaning and servicing. He ended up spending nearly 13 hours cleaning the switches, pots and fan, rebuilding the keyboard and recapping the power supply. This is more than what we anticipated, but it had to be fully disassembled in order to get to the power supply. The power supply worked fine, we just wanted to try to extend its life for its next owner - hopefully whoever ends up with it will appreciate this work!
Sale includes road case. Some of the original foam is still present and is deteriorating, but the unit is wrapped in a plastic bag now and is protected. Parts of the original foam were removed and replaced with another foam which is still intact. We feel the case foam is currently in good enough shape for the unit to ship in it as is, but if you plan on transporting it regularly, we would recommend replacing the foam.
Here's a video showing the various sounds on board: