NYC Vintage Synth Recording Studio - The Synth Sanctuary

Tone Tweakers has restored and maintains the entire massive vintage synthesizer collection at The Synth Sanctuary electronic music studio in NYC.
It's essentially a private recording studio, but resident synth programmer Jay Wires is occasionally available to work on select projects.
Rare instruments include ARP 2500, ARP 2600s, a vintage Moog 55 with Bode Frequency shifter, Wavemaker 4, Wavemaker 6, KB Electronic Music Instrumentation Modular, Electrocomps, Korg PS3300, Aries Modular, Digisound Modular, Roland System 100m, Roland System 700, Oberheim 8 Voice, Synton Modular, Buchla 100, Buchla 200, Buchla 200e and many, many more - pretty much every classic synth ever made.
Visit The Synth Sanctuary's website at