What's That Synth? - Synthesizers Used on Moderns Songs Matter and Terrestrial

Ever listen to a song and wonder "what's that synth"? We do too. All the time.
We asked our friend Christopher Fudurich from Moderns which vintage synths were used on a couple of our favorite tracks, Matter and Terrestrial, and he was kind enough to send us the following breakdown:
Ambient Chords - Wurlitzer Electric Piano through a PodXTPro
Kick / Snare / Hihat - Roland TR-909
Drums in second half of song - Emu Drumulator
Panning Bass - Prophet 12
Mono Bass -
Roland Jupiter-6
Chorus Pulse - Roland Jupiter-6
Chorus Hi Arp -
Korg Polysix
Chorus String - Prophet 12
Chorus Acoustic Guitar - Some sh*tty Korean thing
Chorus Lead Line - Moog Memorymoog
Breakdown Arp - Prophet 12
Breakdown String -
Roland Jupiter-6
Percussion - A couple of tambourines
Basic track was started in Ableton Live. Ambience / Time stretched stuff started there. Synths added in Pro Tools.
Kick - Simmons SDS7
HiHat -
Simmons SDS7
Cymbal, Cowbell - Roland TR-808 Samples
Tambourine - a real tambourine
Bass -
Roland Jupiter-6
Solo, End Chords -
Moog Memorymoog
Sweeps -
Moog Memorymoog
Ambience - Sound FX library
Loops - Ableton Live
Marimba - Ableton Live
End Lead Synth - Roland GAIA SH-01
Please buy Moderns music at all the usual places, and check out the full list of gear in their studio at https://www.modernsmusic.com/.
Thanks, Christopher!